Episode 84 – A True Comeback Story About Cleaning, Recovery and Serving Others ft Jean Marie Pfeifer

In this episode, you will hear a true comeback story on how creating both a residential and commercial cleaning company that’s scaled to over seven figures helped transform and change Jean Marie’s life. This episode dives deep into how personal pain created a transformation that led to Shore to Shore’s cleaning success and how Jean Marie is now using her commercial cleaning company to serve and impact others.

In this Profitable Cleaner Episode You Will Learn:
  • How a cleaning company can change your life and transform you as a person
  • Why you should consider hiring people in recovery and who have felonies
  • How to lead by example and set the standard for your cleaning company
  • How to impact, serve and transform others through your cleaning business
We recommend that you follow and connect with Jean Marie and Shore to Shore Cleaning to learn more about how you can use your company to create more impact!
Jean Marie spoke about the importance of investing in yourself and your business and committed to going to our second annual Cleaning Prophets event in September on the show! If you’re an action taker like Jean Marie, join us for a select group of passionate cleaning owners in Denver, Colorado in September:

If you’re in commercial cleaning and want to increase your sales, become part of our community today and get the best cleaning sales content and data in the industry.

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