Episode 83 – 505 TAKEOVER Ft. Elia Morice, Daysi Mora, Orlando Castillo, and Andrea Garcia

In this exclusive episode of The Profitable Cleaner podcast, the Dayporter Team takes over and discusses their new project: The Npower. Join us as we dive into how this specialized program can help your cleaning company grow.

We discuss the different roles they have at Dayporter: Elia as Dayporter Manager, Daysi as SDR Manager, Orlando as Recruitment Specialist, and Andrea as Content Creator and Social Media Manager. We dive into the challenges of being a recruiter in the cleaning industry and how to identify good employees that match your company. We shed light on the role of an SDR, why it’s important to have one for your cleaning company, and how social media content marketing can increase your brand awareness.

Tune in and gain valuable insights on how to manage different aspects of your cleaning company to maintain sustainable growth. Need extra help? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to hire a virtual team or get trained by The Profitable Cleaner.

In this Profitable Cleaner Podcast, you will learn:

  • What it is and how The Npower project, a new initiative from the profitable cleaner, will help the cleaning industry.
  • What it is like to have a virtual team and how various aspects of your cleaning business can be managed by virtual employees from Latin America.
  • The most common challenges that a recruiter from a Cleaning Company may have and how to overcome them.
  • The importance of identifying employees that match the values of your Cleaning Company.
  • What are a Sales Development Representative and its importance in the cleaning industry.
  • The importance, benefits, and tips of social media content marketing for your cleaning company.

We highly recommend you connect with Elia Morice, Daysi Mora, Orlando Castillo, and Andrea Garcia:

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