Episode 51 – How To Grow Your Commercial Cleaning Company While Maintaining Your Marriage And Family ft. Juan & Regina Jaramillo.

We are fully aware of how difficult it is to start a commercial cleaning business from scratch, and WE KNOW that doing so with your husband or wife makes it even harder! So today we have the pleasure of introducing Juan and Regina Jaramillo, who have been married for 25 years and have worked in the cleaning industry for 10 years. They are sitting with us today as they discuss how to keep everything running smoothly!

Juan and Regina have discovered their roles, with Juan in charge of operations and Regina in charge of sales and networking, and they have truly discovered how to keep everything in a healthy environment.

In this Profitable Cleaning episode you will learn:

  • How can you run and grow your commercial cleaning company while caring for your family and kids?
  • How to separate the business from the family. 
  • How to Stay in Your Lane and be patient with the people around you.

We highly recommend you connect with Juan and Regina Jaramillo and check out Bright Corners. 

Are you looking to accelerate your network and business? Right now we only have FOUR spots left for our Cleaning Prophet$ Mastermind in Denver on November 1st – 3rd. Email james@dayporter.com or angel@dayporter.com to learn more and claim your seat today!

If you’re in commercial cleaning and want to increase your sales, become part of our community today and get the best cleaning sales content and data in the industry. 

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