Episode 47 – Unlock Your Inner Leader and Create The Life You Deserve, Ft Yigal Adato

Do you have all the skills to be a leader in ALL aspects of your life? From leading your family and household to leading your commercial cleaning business? We sat down with leadership expert and coach, Yigal Adato who has eight keys to unlocking your inner leader which will help you not only create the business you want but also transform into the person you want to become! This is a MUST-listen episode!

In this Profitable Cleaner Podcast you will learn: 

  • How to start changing your life TODAY if you struggle with chaos and overwhelm. 
  • Key steps you can take on getting clear and taking action to become the person you deserve to be
  • What being a leader truly means. It goes way beyond business and sales! 

Yigal is one of our keynote speakers at our upcoming Cleaning Propeth$ Mastermind Event in Denver, CO here in November. You won’t want to miss the chance to see Yigal speak live while sharing a room with some of the best commercial cleaning companies in the industry. Reserve your seat today by emailing james@dayporter.com or angel@dayporter.com

We highly recommend you follow and connect with Yigal on LinkedIn and his website: 

If you’re in commercial cleaning and want to increase your sales, become part of our community today and get the best cleaning sales content and data in the industry.

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