Episode 15 – You Won’t Close BIG Cleaning Contracts With Your Gmail Account

How many times have you been told from a big commercial cleaning prospect that they’ve had a bad experience with a prior janitorial company? Odds are, probably a lot! Listen, if you’re trying to sell bigger, more life changing, commercial cleaning contracts, you need to be as professional as possible and understand that you’re not giving yourself the best chance to close big deals by selling via your gmail or yahoo account.

In this episode you will learn: 

  • Why using a gmail or yahoo account isn’t great for your sales outreach. 
  • How to do literally everything opposite that the email “gurus” tell you. 
  • Why it’s important to not look like “chuck in a truck” with your cleaning sales! 

To help you out further, we recently released a must read eBook for commercial cleaners if you want to book more walk-throughs via your email marketing efforts. We give you five FREE email templates to use for your janitorial company.

Download Five Free Email Templates That Will Book You More Walk-Throughs Here.

If you’re in commercial cleaning and want to increase your sales, become part of our community today and get the best cleaning sales content and data in the industry. 

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