Episode 117 – The Giver Award Winner: Inspiring Leadership in the Cleaning Industry ft Carolina Alvarez

Listen in as we talk with Carolina Alvarez, the president of J&S Building Maintenance, about her journey into the janitorial industry, and the incredible growth her company has experienced since its beginning in 2017. From starting the business to be closer to her children, to expanding it to 11 states and growing six times bigger, Carolina offers valuable insights into how she built her team and nurtured a close relationship with her employees. We touch base on her well-deserved recognition at the Cleaning Prophets 2.0 event, and discuss how her “giver” mentality has allowed her to give back to her team, her community, and those in need during the COVID pandemic.

In this discussion, we also explore the importance of community involvement and employee engagement in the janitorial business. Carolina shares how she established a culture of giving back at J&S Building Maintenance, which has been recognized as one of the company’s most loved attributes by her employees. Learn about their employee-based charitable committee and the various initiatives they have spearheaded to support different causes. Furthermore, we celebrate Carolina’s significant impact on the industry and her ability to inspire others through her accolades. So tune in, connect with Carolina and J&S Building Maintenance, and get ready to be inspired!

In this Profitable Cleaner Podcast, you will learn:

Carolina Alvarez’s approach to building a close-knit team and the positive impact of having a “giver” mentality in business.
How J&S Building Maintenance fosters a culture of giving back, with initiatives led by an employee-based charitable committee that focuses on community involvement and employee engagement.
The various ways in which J&S Building Maintenance contributes to different causes.
The benefits of getting employees involved in community service and the importance of starting small when looking to give back to the community.

We highly recommend you connect with Carolina Alvarez and check out J&S Building Maintenance here:

Connect with Carolina Alvarez on LinkedIn Here
Check out J&S Building Maintenance Website Here

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